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Diana Filipova
Diana Filipova
"Quidi Vidi Village - St. John's" - 24" x 18"
Diana Filipova is a Toronto based, self-taught artist.
After emigrating from Bulgaria at the age of 27, she passionately pursued her dream of embracing everything Canadian and building a new life for herself and her family in her newly adopted country. Currently, Diana lives in Scarborough with her husband, Guy and their dog, Bruce.
Forced to take a step back from her busy schedule at the age of 50, Diana purchased her first set of oil paints and brushes, and without any prior training, allowed herself to indulge in her lifelong love for the visual arts.
The sole purpose of her work is to capture the love and the light that connects us all and propels us to continue our earthly journeys despite the hardships that we go through. Diana paints in oil and looks to capture the quiet tranquility that she calls “love” in the reaches of the Canadian landscapes and the urban beauty of our cities. Her favourite artists are The Group of Seven, Maud Louis, Richard Schmid, and Vladimir Dimitrov.
Diana’s work is dedicated to her son, Vassil Sabev.
Diana Filipova
"Rouge Valley Farewell" - 22" x 28"

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All artworks copyright their attributed artist