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Sarah Slean
Sarah Slean
“Untitled” - Acrylic on Canvas
TIME Magazine Canada has named Sarah as "one of the most compelling acts Canada has to offer." Over the course of her 15 year career, Juno and Gemini-nominated Sarah Slean has made nine albums, held exhibitions of her paintings, starred in two short films and a movie musical, published two volumes of poetry, written two string quartets, and shared the stage with five of the country's leading orchestras.
"As a musician, I create and organize sound across the axis of time. Music is formless, invisible, taken in through the ears. When it's over it vanishes back into silence. Painting to me is the complete inversion of music - and is thus a welcome shift in focus. Paintings are silent forms - meant solely for the eyes, and existing entirely in space with a strange sort of distance or disconnectedness to time. I find this fascinating. When I do anything visual, the whole time-based part of my brain shuts down, which is why I think all of this primal imagery peeks out of these weirdly nostalgic, seemingly innocent scenes. Perhaps the unconscious can only speak in pictures..."

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